Patrons of The Inn

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dry pictures of Male 20-9-05

Just when i was about to give up hope on ever getting a Male flight, i got one rostered for the month of June and thats just the start, few days back i was called up for a standby flight and guess what? haha a Male flight! iam like "DUz?" whats with not getting any Male flights at all and when i get do get one, the rest come rushing in!

The flight time was approximately 4hours and 10Mins. By the time we got there it was about the stroke of midnight. Throughout the entire flight the crew were all talking bout the "ghostly events" that take place in one of the rooms which we would be staying... its FREAKY and let me assure you everyone that heard the story (iam sure all flying crew would know) instantly had goosebumps and their hair on their hands and neck at attention ready to jump out of the pores! We took a boat over to the island (Bandos) and waited eagery for our room keys... "Mr. Adrian Goh room 326" Phew a sign of relief but still its was beside the "other ROOM"... my fellow colleague Azmi got 328... he was so affected about it he didn't sleep for the entire night! We went back, dumped out bags changed out and everyone went to the bar for a round of drinks, after which we called it a night. Trust me even after downing a large one i still had issues sleeping.

The following day it was time for the sun sand and sea! The sun was a blazing inferno and the seas crystal clear, once you step foot onto the fine and warm dunes of the beach you know you are in for something great! Snorkeling here we come!

k i just randomy threw the pics around. theres more tagged on my FB Chao... off to Taipei tomorrow. Anyone need anything?

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