Patrons of The Inn

Sunday, June 7, 2009

a 2 hours journey through Westcoast park.

Mp3: Check, Camera: Check, Running Attire: Check. The plan was to get away from home, away from the urban jungle that surrounds us every single day of our lives. I cant remember the last time i went to Westcoast Park for a run, somehow everytime i decide to work out its gonna be at the Sports Complex. So this time round i decided to visit the park instead, plus i wanted to be alone, and i know going to the Sports Complex ill be no where near that.

I plugged in and off i went, the random though of bringing a camera paid off. Infact i was glad i had my camera with me. Take a moment to think, on how many occasion have you ever seen something interesting from time to time and so wanted to take a picture, BUT you didn't have a camera with you OR you were only armed with a 3mega pixel camera phone, Oh bummer! Yea thats how it feels.

Here are some pictures Ive taken, not while on the run ofcourse! The place has changed quite significantly.

Towards the end of the park theres this open field where dog owners can bring their pets for some doggy interaction. I was fun to be around so many dogs!

3 on 1 ganging the poor black dog for the "squeaky ball"

The winner!

the black dog here tried to irritate the white one haha it was funny to see the both of them wrestle it out!

i was a little too late in getting pictures of the sun set, totally forgotten about it and when i dashed back to the seaside this was whats left :( sad

The condo that was once labeled "my dream home" now its somewhere in the east

My neighbourhood friendly "manja" cat. Love her cause she seems to talk to you when you interact with it! Sadly i cant keep pets at home if not i would bring this sweety home.

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