Patrons of The Inn

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


20 & 21/7/09 was my SEP recurrent training as guess who i had with me? Noraini and Jo! Sadly we were not in the same class tho... Noraini was alone and i was with Jo, there were a few funny incidents that happened. For the entire day1 the class mistaken me for the only "Malay Guy" in class and i only found out on the 2nd day when the class went eh wheres the "Malay Couple" (Jo and I) cause we were always late for class! and when the instructor was taking us for our evacuation test he read my name ADRIAN... GOH?! eh ur a chinese? not malay?! and when i said chinese the whole class went HUH! sure anot?! duz how can i even lie about my race, thats when the found out Jo was not a malay but an Indonesian. Man skin colour plays a major part in identification now a day huh? so much for "The always late malay couple"
Anyway i also found out that our batch is now 1guy less :( for some reason they terminated the contract of one of our boys. It sounded kinda unfair to me but i guess in times like this where the economy is struggling to regain balance and with "excess" crew, they axed him. My heart goes out to you bro, i hope u make it through your upcoming interview for TC. All in a nut shell, SEP was not too bad after all, we get to do alot of catching up with each other! Noraini why dont you go watch ur Transformers ASAP since you've got off tomorrow! and speaking of off days, everyones got an off day after today's course BUT Ive got a Jakarta turn tomorrow! so stoned right now... i wish i could just blink my eyes and somehow time travel to the final leg of my Manchester fight. Cant wait for the 27th...

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