Patrons of The Inn

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sentosa Pics

Its the start of a...


And so it was a "planned" Sentosa gathering... and everyone less "I and Me" overslept... we were suppose to meet @ Harborfront MRT at 1100Hrs - bout 10 of us, oh well thats that... heres what happened! Yes i found my way to Edda's home and while i was there THEN did we find out that everyone was gonna be later oh well so we made the best of what time can provide =) stuff like playing the piano... strumming on the guitar and.... HITTING BALLS onto your DAD's Windows!

*Window smashing and figuring the song "Dont forget to remember me" W/ Isa.

bout 1500hrs++ Benny called and so we made our way down to Sentosa on a cab thank God it was not raining heavily anymore... fast trip next thing ya know we were there!

*bruise on the right arm... aaaw

We made our way to Palawan from Siloso and found Benny + GF! ooolala volleyball time! but we ended up taking more pictures than playing volleyball la and Zann came with lunch! - A CRAB!!! we were like OH MY GOD this is the 1st person in the world who brings cooked crab to the beach haha heres the lo down pic and pics and more pics... my cam went LOW Batt soon after hance i could not snap pictures of the "Steamboat" aka "Make Michelle Jelous" dinner! cause she was out clubbing @ St.James Boo! eh not many saturdays left le...

Pose.. ok... breath in hold it... Snap!


and soon the day ended we sat there till the sun went down and the stars littered the night sky... YEA I WISH! Camera batt went dead and it was steamboat @ bout 7pm+ poor Noriani hahahahaha WE BLAME EDDA! woosh~

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