Patrons of The Inn

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Long day - Julian (my twin) woke me up early in the morning! :"Eh wake up! lets hit the gym together ler... Ray (Cous) is gonna be there too!" oh man... and so i woke up its only 0830hrs! yea so we got there by 0930 and it lasted till bout 1200, iam glad i went cause it really brought back good memories when we brothers actually have quality time for each other. Rays in his final semester of Poly and Julian is busy with work.

WoW - I managed to find time for a quick 5man instance and 10man raid on Azeorathian! i was waiting for Edda's call... the plans to head out and look for stuff that we require for our flights. So we met up later in the early evening to do a lill shopping =) well all i got was random stuff from Daiso, lunch was on the go! as in really on the go mobile lunch - walk and eat. I had 3 x softshell crab and 400g of honey glazed ribs.
*softshell crabs 3 for $7.40 good shit!*

This pic was suppose to have the "ribs" in it but shees unhappy that its there - so a retake w/o ribs BOooo...! well as you can see ye aits mobile dinner for me inside some ladies shoe shop think its DMK or something... sry not good @ such stuff. Edda had to shop for a new pair of shoes! 1 x Edda VS Lots of shoes.

*thats how it looks when girls shop for shoes haha*
all that shoe shopping time was sufficient for me to finish my "mobile dinner"... ok not all.. close i had 1 x softshell crab left, the trash bin consumed it. Enquired bout some stuff @ Starhub, we were redirected and off we go to B2... for Icecream and more.

sweet stuff =)
Totally forgot bout the Starhub thingi so by the time we got icecream & a lill visit to Watsons... Starhub was closed by the time we went there BOOOoo... guess ill head down another day. She had plans, i was deadbeat so we went our ways soon after.
The Aircons on, sound of raindrops falling onto the roof, some soft music, lights go off - tranquility

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