Patrons of The Inn

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nagoya - Part 1

The flight to Nagoya is bout 7hours, we got there @ really early as my flight was a 0100hrs flight. The rest of the fellas went straight to the rooms for a nap once we hit Hilton Nagoya but NOOOOoo thats not what Benny and i had in mind. After dropping off out stuff in the hotel out we went!
shot of the rooms.

obvious what this is...

This comes with Shampoo, Bodysoap and Hairshower cool 3 in 1 stuff.

After a quick shower and getting into a fresh set of clothes we roamed the street round the hotel just to get a feel of what the Japanese crowd is like @ noon time. 99.9% of the male there are either in formal wear or a suit! the heat must be killing them inside! the ladies hmm no diff from Singapore. Just right it was lunch time when we head out, whats interesting is the working crowd would all queue @ the roadside stall from "boxed" lunch or some would head to the nearby mini supermarket for packed food!

*some expensive makan place* its called "siang sou" which means ENJOY =)

Thats the supermarket --------------->

that sells lotsa packed lunch etc for the locals that work around that area. Spoilt for choice

We got ourselves some finger food and went back to the hotel to give one of the crew a wakeup call. It was so hot that i could not resist another trip to the shower, Benny took like a powernap. So 1330Hrs we were out in the streets again! this time our destination was to - Nagoya Castle. After chatting up the sales assistant @ HardRock we managed to get a lill direction on how to get there. It requires us to take a train ride (its like our MRT but lots more "Chim" aka Complicated). Heres a few pics on what the train station in Nagoya looks like!

Thank God Benny was there if not.. iam screwed! all in Jap and Chinese

Theres something interesting bout the train stations in Japan which ill touch on a lill later. So back to where i last was.. yea its 3 stop to Nagoya Castle, cant really remember the Jap names of the stations ill try look em up.

So heres me in the train. It looks quite similar to what we hae back in Singapore only thing is its a lill bit smaller.

one feature that they have got is this door seperator between cabins. It serves a higher purpose....

So the entrance to Nagoya Castle is right at the exit of the train station. All you need to do is to get a ticket @ 500Yen - another interesting thing here is that all ticket sales goes into rebuilding Nagoya Castle which was actually burned down in the past... what a noble cause!

got my ticket!

view after the ticketing counter. The structure to the left is the guard house and to the right is the palace. Its quite a distance walk all the way in.
Theres this statue of a saurai guy. Spear, Katana and a FAN?! whats he up to lol... probably a hero from their time hmmm

so ull have to get pass the gates @ the guard house to get into the inner part of the fort and cover more road before you reach the main structure in the Nagoya Castle. Lotsa walking HOT!

Alas @ the foot of the Palace! its beautiful!

If iam not wrong its about 8 stories high! Time to get up

there, we passed on the lift cause @ every level they got historical exibitz going on from how to castle was built to what kind of weapons were used for warfare during their time and even the life style the people went through.

A set of ancient armor --->

The view at the top.

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