Patrons of The Inn

Monday, October 19, 2009

20th Oct

Not too long ago i tried out a 10day trial for the World of Warcraft expansion: Wrath of the Lich king. I was lure back into the game by its breathtaking graphic and interactive game play. As i leaped Azeorathian (my human paladin) into the heat of battle i wonder to myself, am i really gonna commit to WoW once again after Ive tried so hard and managed to pull out of it? and on the other hand Edda was more than willing to give the game a shot... at the end of the day, i decided to lay down my sword and hang up the rusting set of armor - its time for Azeorathian to retire. Still i would sit in the tavern with a cup of ale

There are more important things at hand right now and the one that takes the 1st place is needless to say that special someone in my life. Recently Edda and I celebrated Noraini's 2*th Birthday and we traded tales of our love life, the many ups and well of course the occasional down times. Through talks like this you open your eyes on problems faced by your friends and sometimes wonder to yourself how lucky you are to have each other(+ the rough edges). Couples step on each others toes as they waltz through life, your partner can choose to pick you up, check on that foot of yours to make sure its alright and then carry OR he/she can choose to leave you as both dancers don't have the patience and that special spark for one another after finding out that they just don't fit. Before you make your choice, seeking the advice and wisdom of close friends would be the best thing to do... remember you are not alone! and remember even when you are for that short period of time NEVER be short fused and be self-destructive. God allow thing to happen and sometimes you would see a pattern of such misfortunes repeating one after another... trials. HANG IN THERE!

Time to head down for Brunch, wonder what Edda's mom conjured today :)

PS* iam still a gamer! infact i can't wait to get my hands on a few single player titles that require less commitment or non at all!eg. Disciples 3 - if any has news on this PLS! let me know

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